Choose a plan that works best for you.
$0/ month
Ignite Your Potential
150 RZC Credits per month
Access to only gpt-3.5
GPT-3.5 access
All of your quizzes are visible to everyone
Public quizzes
All of your collections are visible to everyone
Public collections
Question generator
7500 characters passage input
All supported sources
10 questions
Generate 10 questions at once
Import Export
5 MB
5 MB file size of uploads
Unlimited quiz exports
Only PDF
Export in PDF only
All of your reports are visible to everyone
Public reports
1 month report lifetime
Limited report lifetime
$12/ month
Elevate Your Experience
2500 RZC Credits per month
GPT-4 access
Public + Private quizzes
Public + Private collections
Question generator
60000 characters passage input
All supported sources
Generate 25 questions at once
Import Export
25 MB file size of uploads
Unlimited quiz exports
Export in all formats (PDF, MD, DOCX etc.)
Public + Private reports
Unlimited report lifetime
We've compared Reinforz with other similar products to help you make an informed decision.
**The comparisons were last updated on 24th June, 2023
**The feature comparisons were made according to the lowest paid tier available for each provider